Welcome to Calvary Hill Baptist Church
Pastor Johnson

Cedric Miguel Johnson is the second of three children born to the union of Floyd and Arthur Mae Johnson. Cedric has three siblings Patricia Ann, Spencer and Kendria (Wesley) Hall. Cedric accepted Christ at the age of fourteen after attending Calvary Hill Baptist Church for a short time. He was educated in the DeKalb County School District and graduated from Southwest DeKalb High School in 1996. Pastor Johnson matriculated to Georgia Southern University where he graduated in 2001 with a Degree in Business Administration. Cedric enrolled at Carver Bible College in 2002. He graduated with a Degree in Biblical Studies in 2012.
In addition to serving as Pastor, Rev. Johnson has served at Calvary Hill Baptist Church as a Sunday School Teacher, Choir Member and Youth Pastor. He’s served the Lord in local and international missions. He currently volunteer on a bi-weekly basis at the Atlanta Union Mission preaching the unadulterated word of God to the homeless living in downtown Atlanta.
Pastor Johnson is married to Terra Mayers. They have two adorable daughters, Cameron Marcella and Bailey Victoria. Pastor Johnson is a bi-vocational Pastor. He is a self-employed as the owner of Johnson Landscaping. His family lives in Stonecrest, GA.
Pastor Johnson encourages all people to believe the record that God has given us eternal life and this life is in his son. Once we come to that knowledge we have to then make Jesus known to all people.

School Supply List
“Love fund for 1 to 1 Chromebook Charging Cords” Charging Cords are $10.00
- Kleenex
- Antibacterial Hand Soap
- Baby Wipes
- Lysol Wipes
- Lysol Spray
- Hand Sanitizer
- Large Bath Towels
- Pencil Pouch
- Primary Composition Books
- Index Cards
- Yellow Highlighters
- Oversized Beginner #2 Pencils
- 24 Count Crayons
- 10 Count Markers
- Colored Pencils
- Construction Paper – Loose Leaf
- #2 Pencils
- Mechanical Pencils
- Erasers
- Wide Ruled Writing Paper
- Handwriting Paper Packs
- Ziplock Sandwich Bags
- Ziplock Gallon Bags
- Paper Towel Rolls
- Glue Sticks
- Blunt End Scissors
- Folders with Pockets and Prongs
- 12 Inch Ruler
- Tennis Balls
- Band-aids
- Dry Erase Markers